
chukka boots + a linkup

Please forgive my dirty jeans.  Pup and I had a pretty intense play session in the grass before this.  He won.
In college, I often dressed like a frat boy.  I had a pretty extensive collection of colored chino shorts, and a bunch of Burberry half zips.  You'd find me sitting in lecture more often than not wearing those with a guys' white v-neck t-shirt and a baseball cap.  Better than sweatpants though, right?  So it probably goes unsaid that a lot of my favorite styles are inspired by the boys, and these boots are no exception.  I got them last Fall and could not wait to pull them back out this season.  Put together with a cozy hoodie (that comes in a ton of other cute colors, which you should probably get so I don't have to) and my favorite carry-all tote, the combo makes for the perfect early fall ensemble.

And of course thanks so much to everyone who linked up last week!   Read on for the linkup...
loft outlet jacket (similar, similar)
striped hoodie
destructed skinny jeans (similar) {also seen here}
leather desert boots (steal) {also seen here}
reversible tote {also seen here}
$5 walmart sunglasses - classy, I know ;)

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I'd love for you to link up your favorite outfit post from this week below!

Here's how it works:
1. Click the blue "Add your link" button below.
2. Paste the URL of the specific post you'd like to share, fill in the rest of the form, pick the image you'd like as your thumbnail, crop it, and click "Done".
3. Make sure to add the button below, or a link back to Sincerely Jenna Marie to your post.
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linked up with  Working Girl in Style with Simply Just Lovely  //  Look What I Got with The Tiny Heart and The Penniless Socialite  //  Thursday Favorite Things with Katherine's Corner  //  Summer Style Linkup with Mix and Match Fashion   //  Trés-Chic Thursday with Vodka Infused Lemonade  //  Friday's Fab Favorites with Style Elixir  //  Favorite Fashion  Friday with The Penniless Socialite  //  Casual Friday with Two Thirty-Five Designs  //  Passion for Fashion with Lena B Actually  //  #FashionFriday with Musings of a Housewife, All Things ChicMom GenerationsJulieverseLady and the Blog, and Mommies with Style  //  Fashion Item Friday with Simple Sequins  //  Friday Frills with Sabby Style, For the Love of Fancy, and Sew Sarah R  //  I Would So Rock This

Looking for more fashion linkups to participate in?  Check out my giant list of fashion blog linkups!


  1. These boots are from the boys dept??? they are super cute! Thanks for hosting this link up and hope you will stop by and join my link up too :)


    1. Hi Alice! These boots are actually Lady's boots, but the style originated for guys, my post was just initially unclear :) Thanks for reading! xoxo

  2. This is a beautiful layered outfit for early Fall. I love the jacket and booties and wow they are from the little boys dept. Thanks for hosting the link-up. Pleasure being part of it again. =)

    1. Thank you! & I edited my post to clarify, but the boots are actually for ladies :)
      xoxo see you next week!

  3. Always looking for ideas on styling booties like these! Always lookin good, lady! Http://morepiecesofme.com

  4. Ugh, I've been wanting a pair of those Clark desert boots for a while now! Might have to break down this fall season and get them.


    1. I LOVE mine. I linked Zappos because it works with my pretty widget generator, but I actually got mine from Amazon. Right now they're the same price as Zappos, but if you keep checking back, amazon has 20% off coupons on shoes/handbags periodically :) I got mine for under $100 that way. Well worth it!
      xoxo thanks for reading!

  5. You so made those boots look so classy and feminine!


  6. Loving this effortless casual look! Those booties are super cute!


  7. This is such a great classic & casual look on you! You look so pretty. Thanks for the invite & happy to link-up:)

  8. So cute! Thanks for inviting me to link up and stopping by my blog!


  9. I love that everything old is new again. When I was a teen this outfit would have been perfect. I love that this style is back and I remember buying chukka boots in the boys department too. Loving your thrifty aviators.Thank you for sharing and for linking up to the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. Watch for your feature on Monday xo

  10. I adore your jacket, I've been on the hunt for a similar one and am loving your picks!


    1. Thank you! The jacket is still available in-store at the Loft Outlet, they just don't sell online. It's super soft too :) xoxo

  11. i totally wore those boots in a post earlier this week too! i went ahead and linked it up :)
    they are seriously so comfy and i think they feed into my old tomboy tendencies!

    xo mk
    gold-hatted lover

    1. Aren't they the best?! Thanks so much for linking up! xoxo

  12. Thanks so much Dawn! xoxo

  13. Love this - super casual, but still a lot of thought put into it and not at all just sweats! :)


  14. I love those boots and that bag! :)


  15. Love this go to casual look! Your dog is adorable! xo Andrea

    Boho Bunnie

  16. Just wow! I'm swooning over these boots! They're just perfection! And the dress is a killer! www.myworkwear.org


Thanks so much for stopping by! Your sweet comments make my day, and I read each and every one of them!

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