Friday Favorites: Healthy Snack Edition
I love food. {Which, if you follow me on Snapchat, roberts_jenna, you already know... #noshame} Cooking and trying new recipes makes me giddy, and I'm passionate about seeking out funky food joints. When I did a juice cleanse a few weeks back, the hardest part wasn't feeling hungry, it was just the not eating part. Since I inevitably indulge in caloric splurges for dessert or chicken tenders, I try to keep my snacking and lunch habits in check. Lately, I've established some definite favorites that I keep stocked in either my desk at work or my pantry at home...
Quaker Banana Nut Protein Oatmeal + PB2 // This combo has been my go-to breakfast or afternoon snack for about a month now, and it's so yummy and satisfying. I have the lofty goal of making my own 'instant oatmeal' baggies with a healthier veggie based protein rather than the whey and soy found in the Quaker variation, but for now this lazy store-bought option will do the trick. PS- if you're unfamiliar with PB2 it's powdered peanuts that you can mix with water to create a way lower fat peanut butter. I mix it in oatmeal and smoothies mostly.
Kiwis // I had a stranger at work approach me about my kiwi eating habits the other, so evidently I've been eating them with great enough frequency for the world to notice... I keep a stock at my desk to top my yogurt in the morning or just slice up and eat with lunch.
Random tip: a veggie peeler is a really simple way to remove the skin from kiwis.
Siggi's Pomegranate Passionfruit Skyr // So basically 'skyr' is just a fancy term for greek yogurt. I love this stuff because it's super thick and has way less sugar than most brands, but isn't gunked up with artificial sweeteners. Most containers have around 100 calories, 10 grams of sugar, and about 14 grams of protein; as far as yogurt is concerned, I think those stats are great. I've tried all the flavors my grocery carries, and the pomegranate passionfruit is my favorite. They've all been quite yummy, except I don't care for the orange ginger despite loving ginger.
Krave Beef Jerky // My local Sam's Club stocks a multipack of mini bags of this stuff for a really great price. I love that there's no added MSG, because that's really hard to find in jerky, and the creative flavors are SO yummy.
KIND Raspberry Clusters Granola // The other day at the store I seriously spent 20 minutes reading the ingredients of ALL the granolas, to finally find one that was satisfactory. A lot of granolas are sneaky and loaded with sugar and oil, or deem 1/4 a serving size (yeah, no.) This KIND granola is low in fat and sugar, but so satisfying with the protein, crunch, and tangy berries.
True Lime Black Cherry Limeade // I am not a good water drinker, but this stuff has me drinking liters a day. So far I've tried the raspberry lemonade, peach lemonade, and cherry limeade; the limeade is my favorite but they're all delicious.
Sugar snap peas // A few weeks ago, during the course of a workday I literally ate a half a pound of sugar snap peas. But you know what's awesome? A half a pound of snap peas isn't even 100 calories. Half a pound of snap peas > Six thin super processed 'cookies' in pouch.
Hail Mary Choco Macaroons // These macaroons are downright decadent. They're free of gluten, any animal products or by-products, and refined sugar. When my sweet tooth is throbbing, just one of these melt-in-your-mouth dreamy macaroons does the trick without fail. They're also really yummy cut up in small pieces atop yogurt and fruit. I've also tried and loved the salted caramel ones which are super tasty too. Have you tried any of the other flavors?
KIND Popped Salted Caramel Bars // I've determined these bars are basically a grown-up rice krispy treat and I'm not mad about that.
*I'm generally picky about ingredients, don't eat artificial sweeteners, and avoid artificial colors, flavors, and preservative, so everything above (minus the Quaker oatmeal) doesn't have those things. That being said, I will shamelessly eat 5 Girl Scout cookies in a sitting or nosh on Cheez Its if it's what I'm really craving. I figure all things in moderation, right? ;)
Also, this post was in no way initiated by any of the above companies or monetized in any way. I just really like food.
What are your favorite healthy snacks?
Pinned these scrumptious snacks. Thank you for some fresh ideas. Starting 21 Day Fix (again) and these look pretty 21 Day friendly. Yay!