
houndstooth jeans

I am not a very patient person when it comes to many things.  Traffic lights should not turn red when I'm running late, there should be no spinning wheel of death on computers, and things should just work how they're supposed to.  Always.  I also don't like to wait for stuff, like the mysterious 30 minutes you're supposed to let corn tortilla dough sit before you actually roll and cook them.  So, I made the intelligent decision to mix up my corn tortillas, in my very black sweater, before taking these photos.  Just don't look too close at my sweater, please.  But if you do feel like scrutinizing it, just remember the tortillas were delicious and I don't have to share ;)

1 comment:

  1. I'm drooling over this outfit. I love everything! E's photography skills seem to be improving too! :D


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