
the forgotten outfit + a sad story

Sad story time: Eli & I have nearly mastered this blog picture business.  Not to say that he is some expert photographer, and I'm magically less awkward in front of the lens.  Rather, we can finally get to our photo destination and have the camera, battery, memory card, and right color of lipstick the first time.  I can't even count how many times we've made it to our photo spot only to have him turn on the camera to see the dreaded "NO MEMORY" message, or just be unable to turn it on at all.  Since we eventually learn from our mistakes, we've got a routine down.  When he's putting on his shoes, I'm checking that the camera is ready to go.
Well, yesterday I went through the same routine as usual... Memory card, check.  Battery, check.  Correct lens, check.  And we went on our way.  E was feeling particularly generous, so we shot four outfits.  Some tidying and a phone call later, I inserted my memory card to start uploading the day's work.  What I saw was a few dozen totally blown out photos.  I sat and waited, staring at the computer screen with baited breath, for the photos to finish loading, because sometimes iPhoto likes to play nasty tricks on me.  Alas, it was not a nasty trick.  I grabbed my camera only to realize that E shot every.single.picture in manual mode without noticing, and each photo's ridiculous exposure blew the contrast to oblivion.  I had a slew of white photographs.  And it was approaching darkness rapidly.  Drat.  Cursed red lentil soup I last photographed.  
So, here's an outfit from a couple weeks ago that isn't an overexposed rectangle.  The cute puppy hopefully compensates for the fact that I think this outfit went together more in real life, and the bag belongs at the beach, not with this skirt.  *Disclaimer this was the bag I carried in real life with this outfit cause I had a lot of stuff to cart around*
sweater: j.crew factory {also seen here}
skirt: the limited (similar)
pumps: target (similar) {also seen here}
bag: target {also seen here}
bracelet & sunnies: f21
earrings: j.crew


  1. Bummer!!!! But at least your hair is fabulous!!!!! Missed your Wed post this week!! ;)

    1. Aww thanks Corey! And no fear, another Wednesday is coming soon ;)

  2. Aww that is a sad story :( We've had similar memory card/battery issues...haha it's always very disheartening. I think the outfit looks great! As do you :)

    1. aww thank you! & glad to hear we're not the only ones ;)

  3. Darn! But this outfit is cute - love the color of the skirt!

    Liz @ www.shoppingmycloset.com
    Weekly Style Me Wednesday link-up


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